[실험실 창업, 열 변 통&톡, 제4회 DNA(DGIST Next Agenda). 2018.05.] "미래형 자동차, 실험실 창업을 말하다"
2018. 7. 17. 10:03
Dr.Son was participated in 4th DNA(DGIST Next Agenda), as a panel, the subject was "Future cars, laboratory's start-up".
On May 17, 4th DNA(DGIST Next Agenda) was held at The DGIST in Korea. The DGIST principal research engineer, Joonwoo Son, participated in the 4th DNA as a CEO of sonnet that the first researcher start-up. Sonnet was introduced as a first small and medium-sized company that obtained the autonomous driving permission for temporary operation from 국토부. DNA has 6 panels. They discussed how to make star-up, a problem of process of make start-up, a next level-up strategy and a Industry-University cooperation.