
Dr. Son to speak on the Smart Car of the Future: Aware Driver’s State at Keimyung University

HumanLAB 2012. 4. 13. 17:40

Dr. Joonwoo Son to speak on the Smart Car of the Future: Aware Driver’s State at Keimyung University

On April 13, The DGIST HumanLAB research scientist Joonwoo Son spoke on "the smart car of the future: aware driver’s state" at Keimyung University. He highlighted social changes and future transportation, advanced human-vehicle interface technology, and driver state monitoring technologies. Dr. Son also demonstrated non-intrusive physiological sensor systems which mounted on a steering wheel or a driver seat. He hopes to use driver state monitoring systems as a foundation for optimizing operator wellness using novel applications of state feedback for alerting / cueing the operator and for triggering refreshing strategies.