Research presented at International Symposium on ARRB2012
Research presented at International Symposium on ARRB2012
The DGIST HumanLAB research scientist Joonwoo Son, Ph.D. and research associate Myoungouk Park, presented findings at the 25th Australian Road Research Board Conference (ARRB) in Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth, WA on September 24, 2012.
Their presentation, entitled "Comparison of Younger and Older Drivers' Glance Behavior and Performance in a Driving Simulator," represented represented differences in glance behavior and performance of younger and older drivers were compared in a driving simulator. To assess those differences, 30 drivers who divided into younger (25–35) and older (60–69) age groups, drove on a simulated highway and the drivers’ eye movement were collected by a gaze tracking system. Comparisons of younger and older drivers’ glance behavior, including mean glance duration, glance frequency, total glance duration and percent glance durations exceeding 2 s, and driving performance, including forward and lateral controllability measures, were analyzed. The result suggested that younger and older drivers’ glance duration was significantly different with the visual task difficulty.