Research presented at KSAE 2012 Annual Conference and Exhibition
Research presented at KSAE 2012 Annual Conference and Exhibition
The DGIST HumanLAB research associate Ho-Sang Oh and Jaegeun Lee presented findings at the KSAE (Korea Society of Automotive Engineers) 2012 Annual Conference and Exhibition in Ilsan, Gyunggido on November 21, 2012.
Ho-Sang Oh’s presentation, entitled “Detection of Cognitive Workload based on Neural Network Method using Driving Performance and Physiological Measure,” proposed an algorithm for detecting driver’s high cognitive workload using driving performance and physiological measures. The result demonstrated that the best performance of the proposed algorithm was achieved from a combination of measures including SCL, skin temperature and velocity over 10 seconds time window at an average accuracy of 94.2%.
Jaegeun Lee’s presentation,entitled “Real-time estimation of driving workload caused by environmental factors,” proposed a real-time estimation method to calculate environmental factors-induced driving workload using vision-based monitoring system, which can measure headway of lead vehicle and distance of surrounded vehicles. The driving workload can be automatically computed using driving workload equation from the environmental factors. As a result, it was suggested that the automatically calculated workload and subjective workload rating scores had similar profiles and the automatic method can be effectively used for estimating environmental factors induced driving workload.