

HumanLAB 2013. 7. 9. 10:14


Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, "Intelligent Vehicles and Older Drivers", 2020.                                                                       

2020_Intelligent Vehicles and Older Drivers.pdf

Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, "Impact of Take-Over Events on Drivers’ Physiological Responses in a Level 3 Autonomous Vehicle (Preliminary Analysis)", 2020.                                                                                                                                                

2020_Impact of Take-Over Events on Drivers’ Physiological Responses in a Level 3 Autonomous Vehicle (Preliminary Analysis).pdf



Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son, "Reference Test Scenarios for Assessing the Safety of Take-over in a Conditionally Autonomous Vehicle", KSAE, April, 2019.

2019_KSAE_Reference Test Scenarios for Assessing the Safety of Take-over in a Conditionally Autonomous Vehicle.pdf

Myoungouk Park, Myung-Su Lee, Jae-Kon Shin, Joonwoo Son, "Naturalistic driver behavior analysis for a benchmark of driver state monitoring system requirements", 2019.

2019_ACM_Naturalistic driver behavior analysis for a benchmark of driver state monitoring system requirements.pdf




Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, "DETECTION OF COGNITIVE AND VISUAL DISTRACTION USING RADIAL BASIS PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWORKS", International Journal of Automotive Technology, April, 2018.
Joonwoo Son, Sungryul Park, Myoungouk Park1, Jinwoo Park1, Jihyuk Park2, Jonghwa Kim3, Yongwon Yun "A Simulator-Based Approach to Assess Take-over Performance in a Conditionally Automated Vehicle", 2018.
2018_HCII_A Simulator-Based Approach to Assess Take-over Performance in a Conditionally Automated Vehicle.pdf
Se-Hyeon  Hwang, Myoungouk  Park, Jonghwa  Kim, Yongwon  Yun, Joonwoo  Son, "Driver Drowsiness  Detection Using  EEG  Features", 2018.
2018_HCII_Driver Drowsiness Detection Using EEG Features.pdf

Sungryul Park, Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son, "Determination of Basic Take-over Scenarios for Designing Human Factors Experiment in Conditional Automated Driving", ESK, 2018.

2018_ESK_Determination of Basic Take-over Scenarios for Designing Human Factors Experiment in Conditional Automated.pdf




Tjolleng Amir, Jung, Kihyo Hong, Wongi Lee, Wonsup Lee, Baekhee You, Heecheon You Joonwoo Son, Seikwon Park, "Classification of a Driver's cognitive workload levels using artificial neural network on ECG signals", Applied Ergonomics
2017_AE_Classification of a Driver's cognitive workload levels using artificial neural network on ECG signals.pdf
Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, "Situation Awareness and Transitions in Highly Automated Driving A Framework and Mini-Review", Journal of Ergonomics, Aug, 2017.

Myoungouk Park, Jinwoo Park, Joonwoo Son  "Experimental design for take-over scenarios in automated driving considering situation awareness", 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회, Dec, 2017.

2017_ESK_Experimental design for take-over scenarios in automated driving considering situation awareness.pdf




Joonwoo Son*, Myoungouk Park, Kwanghee Won, Young-Duk Kim, Sang Hyuk Son, Andrew McGordon, Paul Jennings, Stewart Birrell, "A Comparative Study Between Korea And Uk: A Cross-Cultural Analysis Of Impact Of Driving Style On The Real-World Fuel Consumption", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Feb, 2016. 
2016_IJAT_Comparative Study Kor and UK_DrivStyle_Fuel Consumption.pdf

Joonwoo Son*, Myoungouk Park, "Real-Time Detection and Classification of Driver Distraction Using Lateral Control Performance", International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services, ACCSE 2016, May, 2016.

2016_ACCSE_Real Time Detection & Classification of Driver Distraction.pdf

Bawul Kim, Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son*, "Driver Aggressiveness Estimation Using Time Headway", The Ergonomics Society of Korea Annual Conference, June, 2016.

2016_ESK_Driver Aggressiveness Estimation Using Time Headway.pdf




Son, Joonwoo*, Myoungouk Park, Byungkyu Brian Park., "The effect of age, gender and roadway environment on the acceptance and effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol.31, pp.12-24, May 2015. 

2015_TRF_Acceptance and effectiveness.pdf

Joonwoo Son*,Myoungouk Park, "Validation of a driving simulator for driver distraction research on a two-lane highway", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 51, pp.506-509, June, 2015.   

2015_JES_Validation of a driving simulator.pdf

Joonwoo Son*, Myoungouk Park, Bawul Kim, "Effect of advanced driver assistance systems on driving style and fuel economy", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 51, pp. 514-517, June, 2015.

2015_JES_Effect of advanced driver assistance systems.pdf

Myoungouk Park, Chobok Kim, Hwa-kyung Shin, Joonwoo Son* "한국형 뇌졸중 운전자 적격성 검사(K-SDSA)의 타당화 연구", Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy, 2015. 


Joonwoo Son, Bawul Kim, Myoungouk Park, "Lumbar Cushion based Real-time ECG Sensing System for Mornitoring Driver`s State", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Eletronics(ICCE), Jan. 2015

2015_IEEE ICCE 2015_ECG_Seatback.pdf

Joonwoo Son, "Human Factors Research for Shared-Control Paradigms in Autonomous Vehicles", International Symposium on Embedded Technology, June, 2015.

2015_ISET2015_Autonomous Vehicle_shared control.pdf

Joonwoo Son, "Human Factors Challenges in Highly Automated Driving", 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles(IV) Symposium. June, 2015. 

2015_IEEE IV Conference_Highly Automated Driving.pdf

Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, "Driving Simulator Validation for Cognitive Distraction Research" The Ergonomics Society of Korea Annual Conference, April, 2015. 
손준우, 박명옥, "운전자 주의분산 연구를 위한 시뮬레이터와 고속도로 주행 실험 비교 검증", 대한인간공학회 2015 부문종합 학술대회, April, 2015. 


Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park, Bawul Kim, "Potential Benefits of a Forward Collision Warning System on Fuel Efficiency" The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers Annual Conference, May, 2015.  
손준우, 박명옥, 김바울, "전방추돌경보장치가 운전스타일과 연비 향상에 미치는 영향 분석", 한국자동차공학회 2015 부문종합 학술대회, May, 2015

2015_KSAE_spring_FCW_Fuel efficiency.pdf

Joonwoo Son, Bawul Kim, Myoungouk Park, “Development of the Korean Stroke Drivers` Screening Assessment Tool: Road Conditional Signs Assessment Perspective”, Joint Conference on Communications and Information(JCCI), Annual Conference, April, 2015.
손준우, 김바울, 박명옥, “자율주행자동차와 운전자의 파트너쉽 드라이빙을 위한 운전자 상태 모니터링 기술", 통신정보합동학술대회 April, 2015.

2015_JCCI_Monitoring for shared control.pdf




Birrell, S., Taylor, J., McGordon, A., Son, J., & Jennings, P., "Analysis of three independent real-world driving studies: A data driven and expert analysis approach to determining parameters affecting fuel economy", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol.33, pp.74-86, December 2014. 

Kim, Y. D., Kwon, S., Son, J. W., & Kim, D., "Design and Performance Verification of Dynamic Load Aware Geographic Routing Protocol in IEEE 802.15. 4a Networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014.

Wongi Hong, Wonsup Lee, Kihyo Jung. Baekhee Lee. Jangwoon Park. Suwan Park.Yunsuk Park. Joonwoo Son, Seikwon Park. HeecheonYou, "Development of an Evaluation Method for a Driver`s Cognitive Workload Using ECG Signal", J. of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, June 2014.

Joonwoo Son, Myoungouk Park., "Age-Related Changes in Older Drivers` Performance and Distraction", PacRim 2014, May 2014.

Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son, , "Comparisons of Simulated Driving Performance between Stroke Patients and Healthy Adults", PacRim 2014, May 2014.

Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son, Bawul Kim, Hwa-kyung Shin, "Simulator-based Driving Assessment for Stroke Patients", Asian Conf. on Ergonomics and Design2014, May 2014.

Joonwoo Son, Taegeun Kim, Myoungouk Park, Kwanghee Won, Stewart Birrell, Andrew McGordon., "The Effects of Driving Style and Traffic Environment on the Real-World Fuel Consumption:A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Korean and UK Drivers", Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design2014, May 2014.

Kwang Hee Won, Joonwoo Son,Soon Ki Jung., "Stixels Estimation through Stereo Matching of Road Scenes", ACM RACS 2014, October 2014.

Myoungouk Park, Joonwoo Son, "The Effect of Touch Screen Interaction on Older Driver`s Glance Behavior", KSAE, 2014.

박명옥, 손준우, "운전 중 터치스크린 조작이 고령자의 시선 행동에 미치는 영향", 한국자동차공학회 부문종합학술대회, May 2014. 

Kim, B., Park, M., Son, J., "Development of Simulator-based Driving Assessment for Stroke Patients", KSAE 2014.

김바울, 박명옥, 손준우, "드라이빙 시뮬레이터를 이용한 뇌졸중 환자의 운전 능력 평가 기준 개발", 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, May 2014.  

Kim, TG, Park, M., Son, J., "A Field Study on the Effect of Driving Style on Fuel Consumption", KSAE 2014.

김태근, 박명옥, 손준우, "운전 스타일과 연비의 상관관계에 관한 실차실험 연구", 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, May 2014  

Kim, YD., Son, J., Kawng, S., Jung, W., "Design of IEEE 11073 and HL7 Framework for Driver`s Bionic Data Monitorning in Vehicles", KSAE 2014.

김영덕, 손준우, 권순, 정우영, "차량내 운전자 생체정보 모니터링을 위한 IEEE 11073 및 HL7 프레임워크 설계", 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, May 2014 




Son,J., Oh, H., and Park,M., "Identification of Driver Cognitive Workload Using Support Vector Machines with Driving Performance, Physiology and Eye Movement in a Driving Simulator", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.14, No.8, pp.1-7, August 2013. 

Son,J. and Park,M., "The Impact of Cognitive Workload on Driving Performance and Visual Attention in Younger and Older Drivers", The Korea Society of Automotive Engineers, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.62-69, July 2013.

Park, M. and Son, J., “The Korean Version of the Stroke Drivers’ Screening Assessment: A Pilot Study”, Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, Vienna, June 19-20, 2013.

Son, J., Park, M., and Oh, H., “The Impact of Visual and Cognitive Distraction on Older Drivers’Performance in Simulated Highway Driving”, Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, Vienna, June 19-20, 2013.

Park, M., Son, J., and Shin, H., " Development of the Korean stroke drivers’ screening assessment: A Pilot Study for adapting road sign recognition subtest", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement, pp. 463-466, 2013.

Son, J., Park, M., Oh, H., and Lee, J., “Age and gender difference in driving style and fuel efficiency on highway driving”, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement, pp. 548-551, 2013.

Shin, H., Son, J, Lee, D., and Lee, Y., "Relationship of Sitting-Pressure Distribution and Driving Performance During Simulator Driving in Post-Stroke Drivers: A Pilot Study Results", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement, pp. 499-501,  2013.

Oh, H., Son, J., Lee, J., Park, M., and Shin, H., "Assessment of stroke drivers’ performance in a driving simulator: A pilot study results", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement,  pp. 512-515, 2013.

Son, J. and Park, M., “Safety Implication of Auditory and Visual In-Vehicle Interfaces for Older Drivers: The effect of surrogate in-vehicle information systems”, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement, pp. 439-442, 2013.

Shin, H., Son, J., and Kim, S, "Relationship Between Ankle Proprioception and Driving Performance During Simulator Driving in Post-stroke Drivers: A Pilot Study Results", The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Vol. 49, Supplement, pp. 479-482, 2013.

Son, J., Park, M., Oh, H., Lee, J., and Lee, T., “Age and Gender Difference in Fuel Efficiency on Highway Driving”, KSAE Annual Conference, 2013.

손준우, 박명옥, 오호상, 이재근, 이태영, “연령과 성별에 따른 고속도로 주행 연비에 관한 비교”, 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, 2013.

Park, M., Shin, H., and Son, J., “Development of the Korean Stroke Drivers` Screening Assessment Tool: Road Conditional Signs Assessment Perspective”, KSAE Annual Conference, 2013.
박명옥, 신화경, 손준우, “한국 뇌졸중환자의 운전 적격성 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구: 도로 상황별 표지판 판별능력 검사를 중심으로”, 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, 2013.

Son, J., Oh, H., Park, M. and Lee, J., “Development of Driving Simulation Environment for Complying with the NHTSA Visual-Manual Distraction Guidelines”, KSAE Annual Conference, 2013.

손준우, 오호상, 박명옥, 이재근, “NHTSA Visual-Manual Distraction Guideline 대응을 위한 운전 시뮬레이터 환경 구축”, 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, 2013.




Oh, H. and Son, J., “Detection of Cognitive Workload based on Neural Network Method using Driving Performance and Physiological Measure”, Korea Society of Automotive Engineers 2012 Annual Conference and Exhibition(KSAE2012), November 21, 2012.
오호상, 손준우, "운전수행도와 생리학적 신호를 이용한 신경망 기반 인지부하의 감지", 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회, 2012.

Oh, H., Shin, H. K., Park, M., Choe, H. S., Moon, J. I., and Son, J., "Development of Upper Limb Training and Assessment Systems for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation using a Driving Simulator", Fall Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea 2012(ESK2012), November 2, 2012.
오호상, 신화경, 박명옥, 최한성, 문전일, 손준우, "Development of Upper Limb Training and Assessment Systems for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation using a Driving Simulator", 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회, 2012.

Lee, J., Oh, H., and Son, J., "Development of Seat-mounted Non-Intrusive ECG Sensing System", Fall Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea 2012(ESK2012), November 1, 2012.
이재근, 오호상, 손준우, "Development of Seat-mounted Non-Intrusive ECG Sensing System", 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회, 2012.

Son, J. and Park, M., "Age & Gender Differences in the Acceptance and Effectiveness of Intelligent Warning Systems", 4th Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications(AutomotiveUI 2012), October 17, 2012.

Son, J., Park, M., and Oh, H., "Sensitivity of Multiple Cognitive Workload Measures: A Field Study Considering Environmental Factors ", 4th Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications(AutomotiveUI 2012), October 17, 2012.

Son, J. and Park, M., "Comparison of Younger and Older Drivers' Glance Behavior and Performance in a Driving Simulator ", 25th Australian Road Research Board Conference(ARRB), September 24, 2012.

Son, J., Park, M., and Oh, H., "Detecting Cognitive Workload Using Driving Performance and Eye Movement in a Driving Simulator", AVEC12-The 11th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, September 10, 2012.

Son, J. and Park, M., "Assessment of Cognitive Workload Estimation Metrics for Younger & Older Drivers in a Driving Simulator", 2012 International Conference on Aging, Mobility and Quality of Life, June 26, 2012.

Park, M., Lee, T., and Son, J., "An on-road assessment of cognitive demand: Drivers' Gaze Dispersion on Highway Driving", Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, May 26, 2012.
박명옥, 이태영, 손준우, "An on-road assessment of cognitive demand: Drivers' Gaze Dispersion on Highway Driving", 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회, 2012.



Son, J., and Park, M., "Estimating Cognitive Load Complexity Using Performance and Physiological Data in a Driving Simulator", Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, November 30, 2011.

Hong, W., Lee, W., Lee, B., Park, S., Park, Y., Son, J., Park, S., and You, H., "Development of an Evaluation Method for a Driver’s Cognitive Workload Using ECG Signal", Fall Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, October 21, 2011.

Son, J. and Park, S., "Cognitive Workload Estimation through Lateral Driving Performance", 16th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, October 7, 2011.

Lee, T. and Son, J., "Relationships between driving style and fuel consumption in highway driving", 16th Asia Pacific Automotiv Engineering Conference, October 7, 2011.

Son, J., Mehler, B., Lee, T., Park, Y., Coughlin, J. F., and Reimer, B., "Impact of cognitive workload on physiological arousal and Performance in younger and older drivers", 6th International Driving Symposium or Human Factors in Driver Assessment Tranining and Vehicle Design, June 28, 2011.

Son, J. and Suh, J., "Design considerations for the older population : a human-vehicle interface perspective", International Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering, June 6, 2011.

Park, S. and Son, J., "Implementation of a Vehicle Monitoring System using Multimodal Information", Korean Society of Transportation, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 41-48, 2011.
박수완, 손준우, "다중정보를 활용하는 차량 모니터링 시스템의 구현", 대한교통학회지, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 41-48, 2011.

Hong, W. and Lee, W., Jung, K., Park, S., Park, Y., Son, J., Park, S., and You, H., "Development of a System for Cognitive Workload Distinction for Intelligent Vehicle", Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, May 27, 2011.

Kim, M.,  and Son, J., "On-road assessment of In-vehicle driving workload for older drivers : design guidelines for intelligent vehicles", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 265-272, 2011. 

Son, J., Lee, Y., and Kim, M., "Impact of traffic environment and cognitive workload on older drivers' behavior in simulated driving", Int'l J. of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 135-141, February, 2011.



Lee, T., Park, S., and Son, J., "Real-time Driving Style Assessment Algorithm for Reducing Fuel Consumption", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, November, 2010.
이태영, 박수완, 손준우, "연비향상을 위한 실시간 운전 스타일 평가 알고리즘", 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회, pp. 2035-2039, 2010.

Lee, T., Park, S., and Son, J., "Drive-Vehicle-Environment Monitoring Platforms for Fuel Efficiency Assessment", 7th International conference on Electronics and Computer, November, 2010.

Lee, T., Park, S., Park, Y., and Son, J., "Implementation of Real-time Monitoring System for Estimating Driver Distraction in a Car Simulator", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, November, 2010.
박수완, 박윤숙, 이태영, 손준우, "시뮬레이터 상에서 운전 부주의 추정을 위한 실시간 모니터링 시스템의 구현", 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회, pp. 2315-2321, 2010.

Son, J., "Driver Workload Estimation System for Smart Vehicles", 11th International Conference on Computers, Communications and Systems, November, 2010.

Lee, W., Jung, K., Hong, W., Park, S., Park, Y., Son, J., Park, S., and You, H.,"Analysis of Drivers' ECG Biological Singnal under Different Levels of Cognitive Workload for Intelligent Vehicle", Ergonomics Society of Korea, October, 2010.
이원섭, 정기효, 홍원기, 박수완, 박윤숙, 손준우, 박세권, 유희천, "지능형 자동차를 위한 정신적 부하 수준별 운전자의 ECG 생체신호 특성 분석", 대한인간공학회 추계 학술대회, pp. 143-146, 2010.

Park, Y., Park, S., Lee, T., and Son, J., "Impact of Cognitive Demand on Drivers' Visual Attention in Driving Simulator", Ergonomics Society of Korea, October, 2010.
박윤숙, 박수완, 이태영, 손준우, "인지부하 난이도가 운전자 시야각에 미치는 영향에 관한 모의주행 연구", 대한인간공학회 추계 학술대회, pp.180-183, 2010.

Park, S., and Son, J., "Implementation of a Driver Aware Vehicle Using Multimodal Information", 17th ITS World Congress, October, 2010.

Kim, M. H., Lee, Y., Son, J., "Age-related Physical and Emotional Characteristics to Safety Warning Sounds: Design Guidelines for Intelligent Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics part C(SCI), September, 2010.

Son, J., Reimer, B., Mehler, B., Pohlmeyer, A. E., Godfrey, K. M., Orszulak, J., Long, J., Kim, M. H., Lee, Y., and Coughlin, J. F., "Age and cross-cultural comparison of cognitive workload in simulated urban driving," International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp 533-539, 2010.

Kim, M. H., Lee, Y. T., and Son, J., "Driver Reaction Time to Auditory Road Safety Alert: The Effect of Age-Related Deficits and Sound Parameters," FISITA World Automotive Congress, May, 2010.
Lee, W., Park, J., Kim, S., Yoon, S., Yang, X., Lee, Y. T., Son, J., Kim, M. H., and You, H., "Development of an Analysis System for Biosignal and Driving Performance Measurements", Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 47-53, 2010.
이원섭, 박장운, 김수진, 윤성혜, Xiaopeng Yang, 이용태, 손준우, 김만호, 유희천, "운전 생체신호 및 운전 수행도 분석 System 개발", 대한인간공학회지, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 47-53, 2010.
Kim, M. H., Lee, S., and Lee, K. C., "Kalman Predictive Redundancy System for Fault Tolerance of Safety-critical Systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informations, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 46-53, February, 2010.
Kim, M. H., Son, J., Lee, Y. T., and Shin, S. H., "Development of Vehicle Environment for Real-time Driving Behavior Monitoring System", Ergonomics Society of Korea, February, 2010.
김만호, 손준우, 이용태, 신승헌, "실시간 운전 특성 모니터링 시스템을 위한 차량 환경 개발", 대한인간공학회지, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 17-24, 2010.




Kim, M. H., Kum, D. H., Lee, Y. T., and Son, J.,  "Analysis of Driving Performance Characteristics for Estimating Driving Workload", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, pp. 1770-1775, November, 2009.
김만호, 금대현, 이용태, 손준우, "운전부하 추정을 위한 Driving Performance 특성 분석", 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회, 2009.

Kim, M. H., Lee, Y. T., Son, J., and Shin, S. H., "Implementation of Vehicle Environment for Driver's Behavior Monitoring while Driving", Ergonomics Society of Korea, pp. 238-244, November, 2009.
김만호, 이용태, 손준우, 신승헌, "도로 주행 상황에서 운전 행동 모니터링을 위한 차량 환경 구축", 대한인간공학회 추계 학술대회, 2009.

Lee, Y. T., Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "Effect of Advancing Age on Drivers' Cognitive Workload", Ergonomics Society of Korea, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 73-79, August, 2009.
이용태, 김만호, 손준우, "연령 증가에 따른 주행 중 인지 부하의 특성 변화", Vol. 28, NO. 3, pp. 73-79, 2009.

Son, J., Lee, Y. T., Kim, M. H., and Reimer, B., "Implications for HMI design: Understanding age induced limitations on invehicle task complexity", 21st Int'l Conf. on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, June, 2009.

Reimer, B., Mehler, B., Son, J., Phlmeyer, A. E., Orszulak, J., Long, J., and Coughlin, J. F., "A Cross-Cultural Comparison Of Younger And Older Adults’ Simulated Highway Driving Performance Under Single And Dual Task Conditions", The 5th Int'l Symp. on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, June, 2009.

Kim, M. H., Lee, Y. T., and Son, J., "Age-related Deficits in Response Characteristics on Vehicle Safety Warning", Ergonomics Society of Korea, May, 2009.
김만호, 이용태, 손준우, "자동차 안전 경고음에 대한 고령운전자의 반응 특성", 대한인간공학회 춘계 학술대회, pp. 100-105, 2009.

Lee, Y. T., Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "The impact of cognitive workload on older driver's behavior", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, April, 2009.
이용태, 김만호, 손준우, "운전 중 인지부하가 고령자 운전행동에 미치는 영향", 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회, pp. 982-987, 2009.

Kim, M. H., Son, B. J., Lee, K. C., and Lee, S., "Development of Fuzzy Hybrid Redundancy for Sensor Fault-Tolerant of X-By-Wire System", Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 3, March, 2009.
김만호, 손병점, 이경창, 이석, "X-By-Wire 시스템의 센서 결함 허용을 위한 Fuzzy Hybrid Redundancy 개발", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 337-345, 2009.

Kim, M. H., Lee, Y. T., Son, J. and Jang, C. H., "Age-related Deficits in Response Characteristics on Safety Warning of Intelligent Vehicle", Korean Society for Precision Engineering, January, 2009.
김만호, 이용태, 손준우, 장치환, "지능형 자동차의 안전 경고음에 대한 고령운전자의 반응 특성", 한국정밀공학회지, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 131-137, 2009.

Kim, S. Y., Choi, H. C., Won, W. J., and Oh, S. Y., "Driving environment assessment using fusion of in- and out-of-vehicle vision systems", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 103-113, February 2009.




Kim, M. H., Lee, S. and Lee, K. C., "Development of Kalman Hybrid Redundancy for Sensor Fault-Tolerant of Safety Critical System", Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 14, No. 11, November, 2008.
김만호, 이석, 이경창, "Safety Critical 시스템의 센서 결함 허용을 위한 Kalman Hybrid Redundancy 개발", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문집, Vol. 14, No. 11, 2008.
Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "Driving Workload Assessment of Elderly Driver using In-Vehicle Task", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, November, 2008.
김만호, 손준우, "차량 내 차량 내 태스크를 이용한 고령운전자의 운전부하 평가", 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 논문집, 2008.
Kim, M. H., Son, J., and Lee, Y. T., "Study of Cognitive Resource of Elderly Driver with Secondary Task", Korean Society for Precision Engineering, November, 2008.
김만호, 손준우, 이용태, "이중과업에 따른 고령운전자의 인지능력에 관한 연구", 한국정밀공학회 학술대회 논문집, 2008.
Won, W. J., Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "Driver’s Head detection Model in Color Image for Driver’s Status Monitoring," Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE, Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October, 2008.
Kim, M. H., Ha, K. N., Lee, K. C., and Lee, S., "Traffic Prediction of CAN Network System with dual Communication Channels", International Conference on Control, Automation and System, October, 2008.
Kim, M. H., Son, B. J., Ha, K. N., Lee, S., and Lee, K. C., " Implementation of Predictive Hybrid Redundancy Algorithm using Microcontroller for Safety Critical Systems", Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, August, 2008.
Won, W., Lee, M. H., and Son, J., " Implementation of Road Traffic Signs Detection Based on Saliency Map Medel", 2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June, 2008.
Kim, M. and Son, J., "Development of Protocol for Analysis of Driving Behavior with Age Categories", Korean Society for Precision Engineering, June, 2008.
김만호, 손준우, "연령별 운전자의 운전특성 분석을 위한 프로토콜 개발", 한국정밀공학회 춘계학술대회논문집, pp. 289-290, 2008.
Won, W. and Son, J., "Driver's Hands Detection for Estimating Driver's Behavior", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, April, 2008.
원웅제, 손준우, "운전자 행동 추정을 위한 손 위치 검출", 한국자동차공학회 창립 30주년 기념 학술대회 논문집, pp. 1715-1720.
Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "Driving Behavior Analysis of Elderly Driver for Development of Elderly-Friendly Vehicle safety", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, April, 2008.
김만호, 손준우, "고령자 친화형 자동차 안전성 기술 개발을 위한 고령운전자의 운전 특성 분석", 한국자동차공학회 창립 30주년 기념 학술대회 논문집, pp. 1721-1726.
Bae, J., Won, W., and Son, J., "Data Collection, Variable Selection and Parameter Quantification for Driver Physiological Signal of Ages under Unexpect events", The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, April, 2008.
배준형, 원웅재, 손준우, "돌발상황에 따른 연령별 운전자 생리반응 비교를 위한 생체신호 추출, 선정 및 정량화", 한국자동차공학회 창립 30주년 기념 학술대회 논문집, pp, 1147-1152.
Won, W., Jeong, S., and Lee, M., "Road Traffic sign Saliency Map Model", Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2008.




Son, J., Wilson, I., Lee, W., and Lee, S., "Model Based Embedded System Development for In-Vehicle Network Systems", SAE 2006 Trans. J. of Passenger Cars: Electronic and Electrical Systems, Mar, 2007

Kum, D. H., Son, J., Son, J., and Kim, M., "Automative Embeded System Software Development and Validation with AUTOSAR and Model- based Approach", Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 1179-1185, Dec, 2007.
금대현, 손장경, 손준우, 김명진, "AUTUSAR와 모델기반 기법을 적용한 차량 임베디드 시스템 소프트웨어의 개발 및 검증 기법", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, Vol. 13, No. 12, 2007

Kum, D. H., Son, J., Lee, S., Wilson, I., and Lee, W., "Model-Based Automated Validation Techniques for Automotive Embedded Systems", SAE 2007 Congress, Apr 18, 2007

Bae, J. H., Kim, M. H., and Son, J., "Development of the Simulator for Older Driver Behavior Analysis", Korea Society of Automotive Engineers 2007 Spring Conference (KSAE2007), Jun, 2007.
배준형, 김만호, 손준우, "고령운전자 행동분석을 위한 시뮬레이터 개발", 한국자동차공학회 춘계 학술대회, 2003.



Son, J., Lee, S. B., Kim, M. H.,Lee, S., and Lee, K. C., "Intelligent Rain Sensing and Fuzzy Wiper Control Algorithm for Vision-based Smart Windshield Wiper System", J. of Mechanical Science & Tech., Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 1418-1427, Sep, 2006.

Son, J., Kum, D. H., Lee, S., and Lee, S., "Model-Based Design and Validation Method for Body Electronic Systems" Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 39-46, Sep, 2006.
손준우, 금대현, 이선봉, 이석, "모델기반의 자동차 전장 시스템 설계 및 검증 기술", 한국정밀공학회지 제 23권 제 9호, 2006.

Son, J., Lee, W., and Kim, J., "Case Study on Reliable Body Network Communication Using Network Management" FISITA 2006 World Automotive Congress, Oct, 2006

Son, J., Wilson, I., Lee, W., and Lee, S., "Model Based Embedded System Development for In-Vehicle Network Systems", SAE 2006 Congress, Apr, 2006

Kum, K. D., Son, J., Lee, S., and Wilson, I., "Automated Testing for Automotive Embedded Systems", SAE 2006 Congress, Oct, 2006

Son, J. K., Son, J., and Lee, S., "Development of Automated Network System Simulation Environment Generation Tool with Model Based Approach",Korea Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 fall Conference (KSAE2006), November, 2006.
손장경, 손준우, 이선봉, "모델 기반의 네트워크 시스템 시뮬레이션 환경 자동 생성 툴 개발", 한국자동차공학회 추계 학술대회, 2006.

Kim, J., Kang, D., Lee, W., Son, J., and Lee, S. B., "Design the network of the body system using the CASE-Tool", Korea Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 fall Conference (KSAE2006), November, 2006.
김진우, 강동구, 이우택, 손준우, 이선봉, "CASE-Tool을 이용한 전장시스템의 네트워크 설계", 한국자동차공학회 추계 학술대회, 2006